The power 


with Geshe Michael Roach

Kyoto, Japan

December 5-11, 2023


The power TO DREAM:

Steps on the Path Retreat &

30th Anniversary of ACI

The Steps on the Path teachings have been helping us to develop our good hearts by reducing our self-cherishing and re-focusing us on efforts to serve others. We have been practicing tonglen and exchanging self & others, and we started diving deep into lojong. We have now arrived at a deep teaching: if we practice hard especially when times are difficult, then our practice becomes exceptionally strong, effective, and fruitful.

By practicing and training, we can transform whatever horrible or unfavorable conditions we may find around us into the path to enlightenment, even in difficult times. The times make our efforts even stronger and more successful. The lineage for such training is very long and has come to us with a proven track record. Its successful practice brings us contentment and fearlessness. So the question is, what should we practice? How should we train?

During The Power To Dream in Kyoto, Japan, this December 5-11, Geshe Michael Roach will continue teaching us the lineage and helping us travel along the steps of the path, with the 22 training precepts that Pabongka Rinpoche gave us in his 24-day teaching.

The 22 training tips may seem to be written in code. For example, one of them is, “Stand in the stream with joy.” It’s not always easy to understand the teachings, or know right away how to apply them to our daily lives. Geshe Michael will interpret these codes for us and show us the way to use them every day.

This time, in Day 19 of the teaching, we learn how to train in radical, effective treatment for hundreds of diseases; making and sticking to a plan every day; tips and tricks for developing big spiritual muscles so we can face challenges with strength; avoiding complacency when things go well; how to stop worrying about what to do by learning ways to always act swiftly and decisively; how to stop being addicted to what other people think and whether they praise us or not. These are only a few of the 22; join us to learn them all in detail.

Join us, live or online, in Kyoto, Japan, for the next illuminating installment in this multi-year venture.


  • 5 days of atmospheric international in-person retreat in the elegant city of Kyoto

  • 10 live classes with Geshe Michael Roach

  • Live Q&A sessions with Geshe Michael Roach and other teachers

  • Live guided meditations

  • 10 live Symposium classes with Senior teachers of the Asian Classics Institute (ACI), on topical subjects and Q&A

  • Yoga master classes

  • Invitation to the SPECIAL CELEBRATION of the Asian Classics Institute (ACI) 30th Anniversary


Karmic Correlations classes

  • (John Brady and Tim Lowenhaupt)

    In Bringing Great Ideas to Life, we will learn how to become karmic scientists and investigate where ideas come from and how to design strategic solutions to help bring them to life. To cultivate and nurtuTim Lowenhauptre ideas, what do we need to do, how do we need to prepare, to both have predictable success and avoid potential obstacles that may arise? We are going to learn to diagnose our situation and plan for the future based on karmic correlations in the Buddha’s presentation of All the Kinds of Karma, in the Karma Vibhanga. We’ll explore the connections between living very mindfully to plan for the future with these correlations and how to face unexpected obstacles with grace and ease.

    Using karmic correlations, we'll learn:

    • how to come up with and identify your biggest dreams

    • how to plant big karma for big dreams

    • how to anticipate future obstacles

    • how to overcome unanticipated obstacles

  • (Sugeng Shi & Stanley Chen)

    One of the main qualities of having a big idea and bringing it to life is having a vision of who will help you and how the big idea will help others. Nothing can be done solo, and you will need to attract the right people and talent to join you on the journey to successful execution of the idea. To first do so, what qualities will you need to embody and how will you become a great leader throughout the project? What are the seeds you need to plant and how do you handle friction with people on your team? The karmic correlations here are not always the most obvious. In this workshop, you will also develop a list of good qualities that you will need to elevate your performance as well as determine some of the negative traits that may be present in your leadership styles that hinder you from reaching the next levels.

  • (Marija Moertl and Hannah Beineke)

    What did the Buddha say about how to build an A team that: gets behind your idea; is self-motivated, creative and productive; and is happy and fun as well? The Buddha described four ways, or four magnets, to attract people to you, so they can help bring your dream into reality. Find out how to get them, why they’re important to your success, and how to dissolve any obstacles you may have to achieving your goal. We will explore the ways that we can employ the four magnets and come up with plans to start planting the seeds to create the space in our normal ways of being to change into the leaders we want to become.

  • (Ven. Jigme and Connie O’Brien)

    The foundation of each and every good quality has been summarized in 10 great virtues, which span our thoughts, words and actions. As karmic scientists, we can use these 10 to figure out why we are currently perceiving things in a certain way today, and how we can utilize this tool to effectively plan and design our future. We will learn in great depth the correlations of these 10 great virtues, in both their positive and negative senses. Additionally, we will then have exercises for you to work on the most pressing problems you’re facing today, and the potential pitfalls of continuing to be in certain ways for your future successes.

  • (Ven. Sunam and Jamie Plante)

    This next class will be working more deeply within ourselves and the blocks that we may be creating consciously or even subconsciously. Many people struggle internally with their own fears, worrying what others may say or afraid of what success may mean for their life and their relationships. Maybe you have trouble knowing what to do, or problems making decisions. Many of us fear criticism from others. How do you address your fears? What is their source, and how do you plant seeds to be courageous? What are the best things to do to dissolve fear?

  • (Ven. Gyelse and Peter Moertl)

    We often describe great leaders as being confident and prideful and often hear great criticisms of them too. In some ways, these qualities can be good and in some ways they can become great limitations to reaching our goals and keeping them going. When does taking pride in something become too much, and when is it helpful? Some kinds of pride are good, and some just have to go. A big ego too often gets in the way of making your dreams come true. We’ll learn how to make confidence flourish and how to rip toxic pride out by the roots. True confidence--not ego--is the key to success. We'll discuss how to tame any traces of prideful ego and find true confidence.

  • (Tim Lowenhaupt and Supriya Jain)

    In this class, we’ll work together as karmic scientists to move Asian Classics Institute into the future. We’ll connect the dots and bring together what we’ve learned in our previous classes this week to create a vision for ACI–not only for the next 30 years, but for the next 500 years. We will apply what we’ve learned about how to dream big and start working together on how to plant seeds for the ACI legacy and ACI’s continued expansive successes in the world. This class will begin ACI’s dream-building exercise for the next 500 years. You too are a part of the grand plan and you are invited to take your place in the vision…

Don't miss your chance - the next ACI Anniversary will be only in 10 years. Can you wait that long? :)

ACI’s 30th Anniversary!

ACI’s 30th Anniversary!

This year is Asian Classics Institute's 30th anniversary. Geshe Michael founded ACI in 1993 in New York City. This year in Kyoto, we will recognize ACI's first 30 years, and envision together ACI's next 30 years. Senior practitioners who were there at the beginning will share their stories. Become somebody who is in the know! You will be an insider, and more importantly, you will be able to tell these stories to your own students, and help them to understand the lineage and transmit it accurately and passionately far into the 21st century.

In-person retreat options

Kyoto International Community House
公益財団法人 京都市国際交流協会


We offer four beautiful packages for your best experience in Kyoto! By choosing a SPONSOR package, you provide great financial support to Asian Classics Institute (ACI) for the organization of this event.

Please note that packages do NOT include accommodation and breakfast/dinner.
Organizers keep the right to make changes to the list of package rewards.

topaz Sponsor

USD 1,250

  • Access to all live events, including teachings, yoga & meditations

  • Lunch, provided by ACI each day

  • Welcome bag

Sapphire SPONSOR

USD 2,500

  • Access to all live events, including teachings, yoga & meditations

  • Lunch, provided by ACI each day

  • Welcome bag

  • A printed copy of the 20th anniversary of The Diamond Cutter, signed by Geshe Michael Roach

  • Discount voucher for any online ACI Steps on the Path course in 2024


USD 5,000

  • Access to all live events, including teachings, yoga & meditations

  • Lunch, provided by ACI each day

  • Welcome bag

  • A printed copy of the 20th anniversary of The Diamond Cutter, signed by Geshe Michael Roach

  • Discount voucher for any online ACI Steps on the Path course in 2024

  • VIP Concierge (a dedicated go-to person for any questions & requests) & VIP chat

  • VIP yoga class(es) with a yoga teacher

  • Special welcome bag + ACI branded gift

  • Special seating close to the stage


USD 10,000

  • Access to all live events, including teachings, yoga & meditations

  • Lunch, provided by ACI each day

  • Welcome bag

  • A printed copy of the 20th anniversary of The Diamond Cutter, signed by Geshe Michael Roach

  • Discount voucher for any online ACI Steps on the Path course in 2024

  • VIP Concierge (a dedicated go-to person for any questions & requests) & VIP chat

  • VIP yoga class(es) with a yoga teacher

  • Special welcome bag + ACI branded gift

  • Special lunch or dinner (in a restaurant) with a teacher / a nun

  • Pick-up at the airport

  • Special seating close to the stage

This event is a fundraiser for ACI. Our goal is to raise USD 250,000 from this event so we can support our work next year and keep offering you the best programs with primary teachings free of charge. Availability of scholarships & sponsorships is subject to us reaching our goal. We appreciate fundraising efforts, and if you want to help ACI fundraise, please contact us at

Things You Need to Do

  • Check visa requirements between your country and Japan

  • Make flight reservations

  • Make hotel reservations in Kyoto

  • Research local transportation from the airport to your chosen hotel

  • Get Japanese yen before traveling

  • Budget for all your breakfasts and dinners for your stay in Japan

  • Plan and budget for taxis, trains, or buses for all your local travel

  • Bring any goodies you want to provide for the Offering to the Teachers

  • If you plan to do yoga, bring a yoga mat

  • To use electrical devices bring along an adapter plug for Japanese electricity

  • It’s cold in Japan in December–bring warm clothes!

  • If you decide to attend In Person, please click here

    For more details click here

  • DAY 1 - Dec 5 Tuesday
    6:00pm - 8:00pm

    Welcome and Offering to the Teachers

    DAY 2 - Dec 6 - Wednesday
    8:00am - 7:00pm

    Symposium / DCC #1
    Symposium / DCC #2
    Class 1 - Geshe Michael Roach
    Class 2 - Geshe Michael Roach

    DAY 3 - Dec 7 Thursday
    9:00am - 7:00pm

    Symposium / DCC #3
    Symposium / DCC #4
    Class 3 - Geshe Michael Roach
    Class 4 - Geshe Michael Roach

    DAY 4 - Dec 8 Friday
    8:00am - 7:00pm

    Symposium / DCC #5
    Symposium / DCC #6
    Class 5 - Geshe Michael Roach
    Class 6 - Geshe Michael Roach

    DAY 5 - Dec 9 Saturday

    DAY 6 - Dec 10 Sunday
    9:00am - 7:00pm

    Symposium / DCC #7
    Symposium / DCC #8
    Class 7 - Geshe Michael Roach
    Class 8 - Geshe Michael Roach

    DAY 7 - Dec 11 Monday
    9:00am - 7:00pm

    Symposium / DCC #9
    Symposium / DCC #10
    Class 9 - Geshe Michael Roach
    Class 10- Geshe Michael Roach

If you cannot come to Kyoto,
you can register for thE

online retreat

ACI Online Retreat

USD 99

Get online access to:

  • Live teachings and meditations with Geshe Michael Roach

  • Symposium classes with Senior Teachers

  • Available in 12 languages

  • Guided Meditations

  • Yoga Classes


Get online access to:

  • Live teachings and meditations with Geshe Michael Roach

  • Available in 12 languages

Support ACI to provide our programming at low or no-cost around the world in 2024.

We're having a raffle!

We will raffle an elegant 14-karat gold ring, featuring a stunning embedded diamond with the sacred Heart Sutra mantra engraved on the ring. The Heart Sutra embodies profound wisdom, compassion, and long life, guiding us to the true nature of reality. This ring is hand made of 14K gold with a .12 carat Internally Flawless diamond, I/J color. It has an antique European cut.


Geshe Michael Roach

Geshe Michael Roach grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, where he was an honors student with an interest in religion and social issues. He was awarded a scholarship to Princeton University and after graduation he went to study and live at Rashi Gempil Ling, with Khen Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Tharchin. In 1995 he completed his studies with Khen Rinpoche and at Sera Monastery in India, and became the first American to be awarded the Geshe degree. While completing this work, he also developed and taught the seven-year ACI Foundations Study Program, which parallels the same core information taught at the Tibetan Buddhist monastery. That original program of 18 courses captures the essence of the six Great Books of Buddhism, as a means to train the next generations of western Buddhist teachers. Asian Classics Institute began with the mission to provide the recordings online, live teachings and by correspondence for anyone who would like to pursue these studies.