The Wisdom of Arya Nagarjuna
The Wisdom of Arya Nagarjuna Course 4: The Mystery of The Chapters (2022, Arizona)
In these 15 classes, we will continue our exploration of Nagarjuna’s Wisdom, the most famous book ever written on Buddhism’s most important idea: emptiness, which clarified and became the basis of all subsequent emptiness teachings. Geshe Michael Roach will lead us through an investigation into the flow and the deeper meaning of Nagarjuna’s writings, and how to apply his understanding practically into our daily lives. Each of Wisdom’s 27 chapters of poetry presents an investigation of a unique idea or question to help us understand that the way we *believe* things work in our world perhaps is more than suspect. For almost 2000 years people have studied these poems and wondered what the meaning is behind the order of these chapters and what is the connection between each of the ideas presented. While some of the chapters obviously belong together, it requires a deep examination to discern what Nagarjuna had in mind.
The Wisdom of Arya Nagarjuna Course 3: The Emptiness of Mantra (2021, Arizona)
If you really understand the emptiness of your primary practices, they become much, much more powerful. This is our third course covering the most famous of all works by Nagarjuna (c. 200AD) which he named simply “Wisdom”. For 2000 years, hundreds of commentaries were written about these 27 chapters in poetry. And it is really all the emptiness teachings that you've ever heard. All the emptiness teachings in Tibet, China, Korea, and Japan are based on Nagarjuna's "Wisdom".
The Wisdom of Arya Nagarjuna Course 2: An Exploration of the Greatest Wisdom from the Ancient Sage (2019, Arizona)
This 10-day retreat is an exploration of Nagarjuna’s Wisdom. We will investigate the deeper meanings of his writings, and how to apply his understanding of reality to our daily lives.
In this program, we will dive deeply into new practices as well as offer new ways of learning and engaging this wisdom for daily living. There will be an intensive training and teaching session in the morning, which is what you’ll find recordings of here, and then for the rest of the day the students were in deep retreat to practice and integrate what was learned in the morning. Students are encouraged to take the material and develop tools to apply the ancient wisdom to their daily lives.
special class
Arya Nagarjuna’s 8 Impossibles in the Kitchen: Highest Wisdom for Real Life (2018, Thailand)
This is a special class that Geshe Michael taught to the volunteers during the recent retreat in Thailand. It focuses on Buddhism’s most important idea, from perhaps the most influential work ever written on emptiness, from the most important teacher of emptiness to come after the Buddha — Arya Nagarjuna. Geshe Michael manages to masterfully weave the very heart of this idea into a very real life example that we can all use in our everyday lives.
The Wisdom of Arya Nagarjuna Course One: The Eight Invisibles (2018, Arizona)
In the pristine, high desert of Arizona, Geshe Michael Roach will lead us through a 10-day retreat exploration of Arya Nagarjuna’s Wisdom. We will investigate the deeper meanings of his writings, and how to apply his understanding of reality to our daily lives.
In this program, we will dive deeply into new practices as well as offer new ways of learning and engaging with this wisdom in our daily lives.
As far as our original sources for this program, we will of course be using the most famous of all works by Arya Nagarjuna (c. 200AD)—which he named simply, Wisdom.