ACI Teacher Accreditation
“No, I’m not teaching Tibetan language, I’m not teaching books, I’m not teaching rituals, I’m not teaching meditation or retreats, or how to be a monk or nun, I’m only teaching how to serve people, then if you are kelwa sangpo, if you are a person of incredible good fortune, your heart leaps to hear it said. We teach serving others. You feel a chill up your spine. You start to cry. Finally I found someone who is teaching the right thing. And your heart knows that’s true. So when you come here to learn, you must think only, ‘I’m coming to serve’.”
— Geshe Michael Roach
Join us to take the next steps to hone and master your skills as a teacher, as we pass along the depth and greatness of the ACI core teachings to future generations. This training will be an on-going series of LIVE and ONLINE modules, which all will lead you to continue keeping these teachings alive for modern peoples and cultures around the world.
This is an amazing opportunity for students. For the first time we have formalized the transmission of this incredible, life changing content. As we all work together to spread the message of kindness, compassion and emptiness, this program will pool teaching resources, expand our reach, develop new networks and create new teaching opportunities around the world.
Each of our teacher training courses is designed to develop and hone the skills necessary for a teacher to successfully pass on these teachings in an accurate, accessible and relevant way. We focus on six main qualities that an ACI teacher embodies: living lineage knowledge, content mastery, meditation mastery, presentation/production skills, and community outreach and service. With training in how to master the content and to develop lessons plans that focus on how different learners acquire and process information, the expert guidance and methodologies we employ will strengthen your presence in front of your audiences and help you to deliver your message with clarity and accuracy, and to actively engage students.
The path to become a teacher is rigorous and demanding, as is the responsibility to pass along the content and practices accurately, accessibly, and relevantly to students. The rewards are incredible as this wisdom stays alive from generation to generation, creating a world that is more kind, compassionate, and full of wisdom. On a small scale, there is nothing more satisfying than when a student reports on how the teachings have dramatically changed their lives, their relationships and their hearts. On a large scale, imagine what the world would be like if everyone engaged their hearts and thoughts from a point of view of karma and emptiness — from a point of view that treats others the way we want to be treated, a point of view that in the moment we want or need something, we look around us for other people who need something similar and we make a concerted effort to help them out first.
As you progress in your development as teacher, you will move up and begin to mentor and teach others who are on the path to mastery. Below is is a list of teacher levels that you can become certified in, to pass along this wisdom officially as an ACI Teacher.
ACI Lecturer - Level 1 Certification
Complete Three (3) ACI Teacher Trainings
ACI Accreditation Committee Approval
Teach under the guidance of a mentor for feedback and growth opportunities. Can be remote or online
ACI Teacher - Level 2 Certification
Complete Six (6) ACI Teacher Trainings
ACI Accreditation Committee Approval
Full, Independent ACI Teacher
Senior ACI Teacher - Level 3 Certification
Complete Nine (9) ACI Teacher Trainings
ACI Accreditation Board Approval
Mentor for Trainees and ACI Lecturers
Master ACI Teacher - Diamond Level Certification
Master Teacher, as approved by ACI Certification Committee, by application only
At least 5 years teaching experience
Successful and extensive long-term study in advanced ACI
Demonstrated success as a Teacher with successful students
Active community service and project development
Living Example of Teachings
All Certified Teaching Levels may teach any of the foundational 18 courses, once the teacher has the completed and received that class certificate from the ACI Registrar.
Coursework taken and submitted after March 1, 2022 will only be accepted from ACI Certified Teachers. You may submit coursework to our registrar up until February 28, 2022 if you would like to receive credit for a prior class.
There are many people around the world who have studied and taught ACI courses for many years, and we have created a “quicker” path for those who are experienced practitioners and have already shared and taught ACI material extensively.
To be eligible for the Fast Track, you must have completed the 18 foundational courses and have certificates from the ACI Registrar and ideally, have several years of teaching experience already.
Once the 18 courses are completed, the next step is to participate in a three day assessment (approximately 9-10 hours) where we evaluate your teaching skills in a live workshop setting with fellow ACI teacher candidates and ACI teacher trainers. This assessment also includes up-to-date teacher policy review.
Next Assessment in early 2022 - Stay tuned for details
Once you have become certified, at any Level, as with any professional training, there will be requirements to maintain and keep your certification with the Asian Classics Institute
Complete the yearly training on ethics and behavior polices, sexual harassment and child protection policies, and financial considerations for an ACI teacher
Yearly Face-Time with ACI: attend one program of more than 5 days with Geshe Michael Roach (ACI, CSP, Translator program at Sedona College for International Management) OR at least 10 days learning from another ACI Certified Teacher (Level 2 or above) + complete one online course with homework and quizzes
Complete one CEU (Continuing Education Unit) on teaching best practices, offered online and during Lam Rim events throughout the year
Teach one full ACI course during the year. Each course also requires that ACI Home Office sends a course/teacher evaluation form to the participants
Submit one video of your teaching
Participate in a yearly 360 review process
There are many great teachers who have studied and completed the ACI courses, and have been teaching all over the world for many years. It’s important to us that everyone, who solidly knows and has integrated this material in their lives and has become a Living Example, pass along this wisdom to the next generations. We also know that accreditation courses may not be a possibility or choice right now. Those who want to continue teaching privately may do so and should. The Asian Classics Institute material is free for anyone to utilize and share in a private teaching, such as in coffee shop discussion groups or meetings in privates homes. The materials may not be changed and your students will not be eligible for certificates for course completion.
If you begin to teach more than 15 people, we do ask that you attend our certification programs, as with greater numbers comes greater responsibility.