Taught by Venerable Gyelse and Venerable Sunam
Sep 6 – Oct 14, 2023
& Peace
for 2024
A Pre-Course for the 2023 Medicine Buddha Retreat.
includes a Medicine Buddha empowerment.
This year, Venerable Gyelse and Venerable Sunam will teach a pre-course to the 2023 Medicine Buddha Retreat, Zooming free, live online from the Diamond Mountain Retreat Center.
For those new to Medicine Buddha practice, the pre-course is an ideal introduction. It will give you all the information you need to have a successful Medicine Buddha retreat with Geshe Michael later in the fall.
In this course we will go over the important principles of the Medicine Buddha practice, such as the different Medicine Buddhas and their roles; what a bodhisattva is and why it is important for Medicine Buddha practice; and of course, the idea of the pen, because nothing in the universe works without an understanding of the pen--including Medicine Buddha practice!
Medicine Buddha is beloved among Buddhists everywhere, because he helps us bring healing to a troubled world, torn by strife and war, reeling from natural disasters and too much hate. This year we will focus on ways to bring both peace and healing to our world, much needed these days. We will plant the seeds for an improved 2024.
You must have a Medicine Buddha empowerment to attend the retreat with Geshe Michael! During the pre-course, we will have a Medicine Buddha Empowerment Ceremony. Note that there will be no empowerment offered during the Medicine Buddha retreat with Geshe Michael Roach. However, since we will continue to study the Medicine Buddha sadhana during the retreat, all attending students must have empowerment.
If the empowerment is something you need, please register for the pre-course. It is required that everyone who attends the Medicine Buddha retreat have a Medicine Buddha empowerment. If you received an empowerment in a previous course, there is no need to take it again, but you are welcome to if you wish.
Lobsang Chukyi Gyeltsen (1565-1662)
Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso (1617–1682)
Sign up for this unique opportunity!
The pre-course is free to all.
Learn ways to create healing and peace for a better 2024.
Receive the blessing you need to study the Medicine Buddha teachings, practices & prayers!
Telegram Group: https://t.me/+mnxn4u5Ifc8zNzhh
📆 Meet
medicine buddha SCHEDULE:
Week 1: September 6 & 7
Week 2: September 13 & 14
Week 3: October 4 & 5
Week 4: October 13 & 14
Empowerment Ceremony: October 13
LIVE ONLINE ONLY. Please note that the Empowerment Ceremony will not be recorded; only recordings of classes will be available.
Venerable Gyelse
Venerable Lobsang Gyelse is a certified Senior ACI Teacher and has studied Tibetan Buddhism for over 30 years with many of the great Tibetan masters. Her main teacher is Geshe Michael Roach. For the last 20-plus years she’s been involved in the development and support of Diamond Mountain Retreat Center in southeastern Arizona.
Venerable Gyelse completed a three-year silent retreat in 2014 at Diamond Mountain with 28 others; she has completed many other solitary retreats as well. She was ordained as a nun in the winter of 2006 and is the mother of a grown son. She recently built a house in central Arizona near Geshe Michael and the Sedona College of International Management. Venerable Gyelse is a chaplain/spiritual care provider and counsels people around the world.
Venerable Sunam
Venerable Sunam has been co-director of the Diamond Mountain Retreat Center in Arizona since 2019. She is a certified Senior ACI Teacher; founded denstiftverstehen.de, a group devoted to spreading the wisdom in German-speaking countries; has translated many of the ACI Foundation Courses into German; and has taught them in German and English-speaking countries since 2015. She is a certified yoga trainer. She is also trained in the Diamond Cutter system and served as an assistant professor at the Sedona College of International Management.
She applies Buddhist principles with enthusiasm and success in her projects and her life, and she has already inspired countless people through her passionate and joyful commitment. Venerable Sunam is living at Diamond Mountain and serving it as director since September 2022.