



Taught by
Tim Lowenhaupt

Online Course
Oct 31 - NOV 30

Level 1 of Buddhist Discipline (Vinaya)

The Song of your Spiritual Life:

Decoding Kindness & Ethics in Buddhism

In this 9th course in the 18 Asian Classics Institute Foundation Courses, we embark on a journey guided by the supportive pillars of Buddhist ethics. This course is an exploration of what it truly means to master the art of controlling the mind and taming our unruly desires and behaviors. While we all aspire to be kinder and shed our negative habits, this journey delves far deeper, uncovering the profound connection between an ethical way of life and the successes we seek in both our worldly and spiritual lives.

Throughout this immersive course, we will explore what it means to watch our mind, observe our speech, and temper our actions. We will delve into the intricate tapestry of Buddhist ethics, understanding how they apply to both our daily lives as well as within the realm of monastic living. Alongside a deep exploration of karmic forces and their influence on our daily lives, we'll unveil the key to ultimate liberation from suffering and the ability to extend compassion to all living beings.

And most importantly, we will see how an unwavering commitment to an ethical life will propel us forward in our spiritual life. These ethical foundations will provide us with the tools to create a calm and focused meditation practice, which will all serve as the karmic launch pad for the most profound experiences of reality.

Our final classes will take us through Je Tsongkapa’s masterpiece, A Song of my Spiritual Life,where he charts the path from finding a spiritual guide to realizing the ultimate goals. The purpose of this course ultimately will be to help you chart your own spiritual path and practices, allowing you to find your own unique, spiritual song.

Timothy Lowenhaupt

He is the Executive Director of the Asian Classics Institute, and Managing Director of RC Education & Travel, which manages hotels and properties in Sedona, AZ. He has studied and practiced the ancient wisdom of Buddhism for over 15 years. Previously, he was Director of Product Management in a patient/physician video communication technology company and a portfolio manager in pharmaceutical marketing. He works to seamlessly integrate ancient wisdom into the workplace and daily life, advocating for best business and lifestyle practices that include daily meditation, yoga and healthy nutrition.

Class 1- Oct: 31
Class 2 - Nov 2
Class 3 - Nov 4
Class 4 - Nov 6
Class 5 - Nov 9
Class 6 - Nov 14
Class 7 - Nov 16
Class 8 - Nov 18
Class 9 - Nov 21
Class 10 - Nov 25
Review - Nov 30

📆 ACI 9