

Taught by:
Bill McMichael, Inna Ivanina

Live event and online course
June 7-16, 2024

Your mind is more powerful than you were told

Take a course in applied meditation with a three-year retreater. Bill McMichael spent 1000 days in a silent meditation retreat. Students say that meditating under Inna Ivanina's guidance has incredible power.


The goal of the ACI courses is to achieve total enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings. This is a huge goal towards which we progress together, course by course.
The purpose of ACI 3, Applied Meditation, is to give you practical guidance on what to do with the beautiful ideas you get in other ACI courses by learning how to meditate on them. The third ACI foundation course covers the levels of meditation, increasing the mind's ability to concentrate on a subject, analyzing the mental landscape, exploring problems, and finding answers in a way that the ancient world has mastered, and more.

Live participation June 14-16, Chicago Attend online June 7-9; June 14-16

If you want to get to where you're going, you have to enter the correct coordinates into your GPS. The mind works in similar ways, and we need to know how to meditate correctly to achieve our goals. It's easy to get lost and head in the wrong direction. It's easy to see something cool but ultimately not very useful.
It is important to know what good, helpful meditation is and what the ultimate goal of meditation is. You will learn about this and much more in ACI 3, which will describe why it is essential to meditate and what to concentrate on during meditations. An exciting journey awaits you, which will help you understand where to go to make your life better, why exactly you can make your life better, and how much better your life can actually be.

ACI 3 is based on the text Levels of Meditation by Master Kamalashila (750 AD) as well as the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa and Pabongka Rinpoche.

This course is a must for anyone who wants to practice meditation effectively.

By taking ACI 3, you don't just gain knowledge, you explore key topics that can help you change your life. You'll get directions on how to travel the path that leads to achieving every goal.

I had so many questions that seemed impossible to answer. But I found them in ACI courses. At some point in their lives, everyone gets tired of wandering, failing, and starts looking for answers. It may sound incredible, but the answers are there. They are possible. Come and see for yourself. Don’t take my word for it, come and see.
— Bill McMichael

Our Teachers

  • Bill McMichael

    Bill McMichael, a commercial airline pilot, has been studying the Asian Classics Institute foundational and advanced courses since 2000. He is a student of Khen Rinpoche and Geshe Michael Roach. Bill completed three-year, three-month, three-day retreat and is an ACI certified teacher.

  • Inna Ivanina

    Inna Ivanina is a medical doctor, a PhD in medical sciences, and a psychotherapist with 15 years of experience in clinical research. She has been studying ACI courses since 2014 and is an ACI certified teacher.

Don't miss the opportunity to take this unique course: ACI 3, Applied Meditation. Your mind is much more powerful than you were told. This courrse will be guided by teachers who practice deeply.

Come and find out what real meditation is!

🗓️ ACI 3 Schedule:


Open Class: June 2 - 11:30 - 13:00
Class 1: June 7 - 8:00 - 9:30
Class 2: June 7 - 10:30-12:00
Class 3: June 8 - 9:30-11:00
Class 4: June 8 - 11:30-13:00
Class 5: June 9 - 10:30-12:00
Class 6: June 14 - 8:00-9:30
Class 7: June 14 - 10:00-11:30
Class 8: June 15 - 9:30-11:00
Class 9: June 15 - 11:30-13:00
Class 10: June 16 - 11:00-12:30