We Need
Your Help!
ACI's 2024 Fundraiser
Asian Classics Institute is committed to keep timeless wisdom teachings—and access to them—free of charge. But we are in need of a lifeline to keep going. Our budget for this year exceeds $450,000, and where we normally have over six months of reserved funding, we are nearly in a month-to-month situation right now.
We need
1000 Committed donors
at $30/month
We need a thousand $30/month donors
Asian Classics Institute is now 30 years old
Geshe Michael has an exciting new plan to take us to the year 2030
Geshe Michael's 2030 Promise
Geshe Michael and ACI are making a promise to complete two major teachings by '30: The Gift of Liberation Thrust into the Palm of your Hand by Pabongka Rinpoche and the emptiness chapter of Je Tsongkapa's great masterpiece, Lam Rim Chen Mo --in Tibetan, ལམ་རིམ་ཆེན་མོ།.
We will be creating a keepsake teaching for generations to come: 100 video meditations to move through all the steps of the path and an accompanying meditation book, complete with 100 images and commentary to the meditations so you can go deeper into each step and make them real and applicable in your life.
Can you help?
Sign up now
to become a
$30/month donor
If you would like wire instructions, please email info@asianclassicsinstitute.org
Join the the 30/30/30 Ambassador Program
We're looking for special people who can reach out to their friends and bring more donors to ACI. Can you encourage three people to give ACI a dollar a day? Ten people? A hundred? Become an ambassador! If you want to help the dharma in this way, sign up here.