Maroke: What Does This Funny Word Mean?
Ven. Gyelse and Ven. Jigme, top left, lead a maroke, January 2024
It comes from the Tibetan MA GROGS, which literally translates as companion to all mothers.
"I thought it was a nice friendly name for the process of completing the [ACI] coursework," says Geshe Michael Roach, founder of Asian Classics Institute. "Maroke grants you a baby geshe degree (the advanced degree that monks get after completing a 12-year intensive course of study and undergoing a rigorous three-day oral examination in front of the whole monastery). It's open to all women and men who complete the 18 Foundation Courses."
ACI recently held its first online maroke via Zoom, led by Ven. Gyelse and Ven. Jigme. Forty-five people attended, and about 12 of them participated in the actual maroke. "We had fun," recounts Ven. Gyelse. "No one failed, everyone passed. And now all these people are eligible to take the steps to become ACI Certified Teachers."
The group, consisting of students who completed all 18 Asian Classics Institute Foundation Courses, encompassed people from the U.S., Russia, and Europe. The participants were led by moderators who handed out random questions taken from the homeworks of all the Foundation Courses. No one knew in advance what their question would be.
"If someone got a particularly difficult question, or one that they did not know the answer to," says Ven. Gyelse, "they could ask for help from the other people in the group. Some people were able to take advantage of this option, and it made things more fun. The group was very supportive."
"It is truly remarkable that now we are reinstituting this inspiring practice, which hasn't been offered for over a decade," said Ven. Jigme. "And thanks to Ven. Gyelse for putting all the effort into making it happen!"
The three moderators were Ven. Jigme, Ven. Gyelse, and Amie Diller.
A very important point is that, once you complete all the coursework--and especially if you successfully maroke--you can take the steps to become a certified teacher for Asian Classics Institute and help Geshe Michael spread the dharma around the world. ACI needs more teachers! Please visit to find out more.
Shared Thoughts from People that Maroked
Yulia Svyatenko:
Thank you everyone, and congratulations!!!! Dear Venerable Gyelse thank you very much for reminding many times before, during, and after the exam to rejoice!!!
What I love about Maroke is the preparation part + the exam itself.
I got many insights and had many opportunities to apply what I learned from ACI courses. For example, I did many times TongLen to myself and to other participants of this amazing exam. Also, I had to remember about karma and emptiness which is always a great idea, of course! For example, when I was afraid I had to understand that this feeling is not coming from reading questions. The only source to feel fear is my bad karma that was ripening in that moment. And it was amazing to review the 18 courses and get ready to answer questions.
Maroke is super fun! It was amazing to see how we rejoiced in the success of each other and to celebrate!
My first course was ACI 3. I just came to listen about meditation, which I began to be interested in at that time. Then ACI 14 was announced. And I thought, hmm, what an unusual topic in our troubled times, “Development of a kind heart,” and signed up. That's how it went :)
And now I have already passed the Maroke exam
I thank sincerely Ven. Gyelse and Ven. Jigme, as well as all the lineage Teachers for the incredible adventure and deep practical knowledge
Eva Balzer:
When I got the invitation to the Maroke exam, I was terrified. But somehow I found myself register 5 minutes later. That decision already was a result of studying the 18 ACI courses and a crucial victory of my compassion over my ego. And I am so glad I did it. It was wonderful going back to all the courses and memorise the cool Gelugpa lists. The atmosphere could not have been more supportive and loving and surprisingly it turn out to be the fun that Ven. Gyelse, who lead this exam very beautifully, promised. When you have the chance, do it!
Tanjya: I feel extraordinarily happy! Despite having completed my 18 ACI courses almost five years ago and helping my friends take ACI courses - I was very nervous before the exam! All my worries just paled before the atmosphere of the exam - I felt like I was among friends and in the palms of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
It is a great honor for me to pass Maroke's exam and to hear that samsara will cease and truth is stronger than lies!
Max Dzhaball:
I’ve heard about Maroke for a long time. And was so happy to participate there. It’s a pure joy to go through 18 ACI courses one more time.
Ven Rinchen Tsultrim:
I am very glad that I went through this exam, it created a sense of completion, thank you for the opportunity to go through the main points that I have studied for the last 5 years again, remember them and think about how important they are, since they were included in the exam questions. These questions reminded me that the most important exam we take is our daily lives. I thank everyone for the friendly, supportive atmosphere, for the sense of importance and significance of what we have done. Please lead us on, dear Teachers, to the next stage.
Nataly Fedorenko:
When I started my journey with the ACI courses and for the first time have heard of Maroke I thought that it is something very worth doing. But it seemed to be so far away and since 2018 it has become one of my dreams.
When end 2023 I have seen a post about this Exam I was filled with joy and gratitude to the Teachers and all the people who helped me with studying and practicing 18 ACI courses.
Today my dream has come true.
It was a lovely event of mutual help, support and celebrating every sacred idea of Dharma.
I am very thankful for this heart-opening experience.
David Siegal:
The Maroke exam was a beautiful way to celebrate finishing the 18 courses. The questions helped to cement the teachings in our minds, but the best part was sharing the teachings together and supporting each other in studying precious knowledge. It was wonderful to feel everyone's kindness and joy in the Dharma.
Brigitte Zahrl:
When I read the heartwarming invitation to the Maroke exam, that we will have fun and support each other, I was encouraged to sign up. Nevertheless I was nervous the weeks before and had some ugly mental afflictions. But I took refuge in my dharma friends and they helped me to prepare for it. At least I enjoyed it very much and learned a lot. There are still plenty of topics I have to chew on but the exam also gave me some self-confidence (self-existently;-)) about my capability to study! Thanks a lot for this possibility!